Friday, July 31, 2020

First Post!

Four months ago I decided to go vegan & plant based.
Vegan for the animals & for the planet.Plant based for my health.
I hope to reverse my heart disease and to manage my diabetes a lot better. 
I had followed a vegetarian diet many moons ago and at one point even followed a raw vegan diet. It was financially difficult to stay on a raw diet , mostly because the rest of my family was not eating the same way. 
This time around I decided to go vegan and I am committed to this lifestyle. I know I don’t have to eat animals to live. I don’t want to be the reason another being suffers, ever again!
For years I followed mostly a low carb diet. I even did the keto diet for a while. It just didn’t feel right to me however.
I had open heart surgery in 2017 and I didn’t think keto was the best for my heart. 
I am a diabetic. My diabetes was out of control again.
 I had lots of inflammation going on. Always tired. Always in pain. I don’t want to live like that.
The last time I had labs done by my cardiologist, I saw a bit improvement. I’m hopeful that the next time will be even better.
I decided to start this blog to keep track of my daily meals,my weight loss, books I read relating to plant based eating and the vegan lifestyle. Plus whatever else strikes my fancy. 
It’s mostly for me. 😊
I I find new friends along the way, that will be a plus.
These are a few of the books and people inspiring me lately.

Today I made bell peppers stuffed with quinoa , corn and black beans.
They came out pretty yummy.
I’m eating tons of green leafy vegetables, so I made a big , beautiful salad to go with those.

I also had a couple of baked potatoes today. 
It was a good day!
Happy Friday!!!



First Post!

Four months ago I decided to go vegan & plant based. Vegan for the animals & for the planet.Plant based for my health. I hope to rev...